The whinny is an important form of communication for horses. It is a distinctive sound that they emit by vocalizing and is a fundamental part of their social behavior. It can vary in pitch and volume depending on the situation and the horse's emotions.
For example, if the whinny is accompanied by non-threatening slaps on the ground, it means that the horse is very happy.
It should be noted that wild horses, i.e. those living in semi-freedom, whinny more than those kept in stables.
Often, a gentle, friendly whinny can indicate that the horse is greeting other horses or people in its environment. A very pleasant gesture to riders, handlers or even other animals is the sign of welcome.
In this case, a calm and gentle response is appropriate. You can approach slowly and speak in a calm voice to show that you are not a threat.
A high-pitched or repetitive horse whinny could indicate that the horse is nervous, anxious or uncomfortable. In this situation, it is important to remain calm and move carefully to avoid frightening the horse even more. It is common for them to hit the ground with their hands at the same time.
In this case, try talking softly and try to identify the source of their discomfort so that you can act accordingly.
Horses also neigh to communicate with other horses, especially in situations where they are separated. In this case, the whinny may be a call to meet.
If you are caring for several horses, they may want to interact, so allow them to do so if it is safe. Mothers often whinny with a softer sound when calling their foals. This style of communication attracts them and offers them the reassurance of being protected.
At night, the horses' whinnies can keep the group together or alert the group's position to let others know.
If a horse whinnies in response to a possible threat, such as the presence of a predator or an unusual object, it is important to be alert and assess the situation. It may be helpful to investigate the cause of the whinny to make sure the area is safe for the horse.
Usually this threatening sound is accompanied by an arrogant posture, with head and tail held high, ears erect.
It is important to note that horse whinnies can vary in tone and frequency depending on the horse's personality and individual experiences.
By observing the context and overall behavior of the horse along with the whinny, it is possible to better understand what they are trying to communicate. Careful and attentive interaction with horses is essential to understanding their needs and emotions.